#1 Overview of DBMS

| 分类 SQL  | 标签 DBMS 

This post will describe some definition of terms of database systems.

A database is a collection of data, typically describing the activities of one or more related organizations.

A database management system, or DBMS, is software designed to assist in maintaining and utilizing large collections of data.

A data model is a collection of high-level data description constructs that hide many low-level storage details. A DBMS allows a user to define the data to be stored in terms of a data model. Most database management systems today are based on the relational data model.

While the data model of the DBMS hides many details, it is nonetheless closer to how the DBMS stores data than to how a user thinks about the underlying enterprise. A semantic data model is a more abstract, high-level data model that makes it easier for a user to come up with a good initial description of the data in an enterprise. A widely used semantic data model called the entity-relationship (ER) model allows us to pictorially denote entities and the relationships among them.

The central data description construct in the relational model is a relation, which can be thought of as a set of records.

A description of data in terms of a data model is called a schema. In the relational model, the schema for a relation specifies its name, the name of each field (or attribute or column), and the type of each field. As an example, student information in a university database may be stored in a relation with the following schema:

Students( sid: string, name: string, login: string, age: integer, gpa: real)

The preceding schema says that each record in the Students relation has five fields, with field names and types as indicated. An example instance of the Students relation is shown below:

SID Name Login Age GPA
53666 Jone jones@cs 18 3.4

Each row in the Students relation is a record that describes a student. Every row follows the schema of the Students relation. The schema can therefore be regarded as a template for describing a student.

Levels of Abstraction in a DBMS

A data definition language (DDL) is used to define the external and conceptual schemas.

The data in a DBMS is described at three levels of abstraction, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. The database description consists of a schema at each of these three levels of abstraction: the conceptual, physical, and external.

levels of abstraction in a DBMS

The conceptual schema (sometimes called the logical schema) describes the stored data in terms of the data model of the DBMS. In a relational DBMS, the conceptual schema describes all relations that are stored in the database. In our sample university database, these relations contain information about entities, such as students and faculty, and about relationships, such as students’ enrollment in courses. All student entities can be described using records in a Students relation. In fact, each collection of entities and each collection of relationships can be described as a relation, leading to the following conceptual schema:

Students( sid: string, name: string, login: string, age: integer, gpa: real)
Faculty (fid: string, fname: string, sal: real)
Courses( cid: string, cname: string, credits: integer)
Rooms(nw: integer, address: string, capacity: integer)
Enrolled ( sid: string, cid: string, grade: string)
Teaches (fid: string, cid: string)
Meets_In( cid: string, rno: integer, ti'fne: string)

The choice of relations, and the choice of fields for each relation, is not always obvious, and the process of arriving at a good conceptual schema is called conceptual database design.

The physical schema specifies additional storage details. Essentially, the physical schema summarizes how the relations described in the conceptual schema are actually stored on secondary storage devices such as disks and tapes.

We must decide what file organizations to use to store the relations and create auxiliary data structures, called indexes, to speed up data retrieval operations. A sample physical schema for the university database follows:

  • Store all relations as unsorted files of records. (A file in a DBMS is either a collection of records or a collection of pages, rather than a string of characters as in an operating system.)
  • Create indexes on the first column of the Students, Faculty, and Courses relations, the sal column of Faculty, and the capacity column of Rooms.

Decisions about the physical schema are based on an understanding of how the data is typically accessed. The process of arriving at a good physical schema is called physical database design.

External schemas, which usually are also in terms of the data model of the DBMS, allow data access to be customized (and authorized) at the level of individual users or groups of users. Any given database has exactly one conceptual schema and one physical schema because it has just one set of stored relations, but it may have several external schemas, each tailored to a particular group of users. Each external schema consists of a collection of one or more views and relations from the conceptual schema. A view is conceptually a relation, but the records in a view are not stored in the DBMS. Rather, they are computed using a definition for the view, in terms of relations stored in the DBMS.

The external schema design is guided by end user requirements. For example, we might want to allow students to find out the names of faculty members teaching courses as well as course enrollments. This can be done by defining the following view:

Courseinfo( rid: string, fname: string, enrollment: integer)

A user can treat a view just like a relation and ask questions about the records in the view. Even though the records in the view are not stored explicitly, they are computed as needed. We did not include Courseinfo in the conceptual schema because we can compute Courseinfo from the relations in the conceptual schema, and to store it in addition would be redundant. Such redundancy, in addition to the wasted space, could lead to inconsistencies. For example, a tuple may be inserted into the Enrolled relation, indicating that a particular student has enrolled in some course, without incrementing the value in the enrollment field of the corresponding record of Courseinfo (if the latter also is part of the conceptual schema and its tuples are stored in the DBMS).

Data Independence

A very important advantage of using a DBMS is that it offers data independence. That is, application programs are insulated from changes in the way the data is structured and stored. Data independence is achieved through use of the three levels of data abstraction; in particular, the conceptual schema and the external schema provide distinct benefits in this area.

Relations in the external schema (view relations) are in principle generated on demand from the relations corresponding to the conceptual schema. In practice, they could be precomputed and stored to speed up queries on view relations, but the computed view relations must be updated whenever the underlying relations are updated. If the underlying data is reorganized, that is, the conceptual schema is changed, the definition of a view relation can be modified so that the same relation is computed as before. For example, suppose that the Faculty relation in our university database is replaced by the following two relations:

Faculty_public (fid: string, fname: string, office: integer)
Faculty_private (fid: string, sal: real)

Intuitively, some confidential information about faculty has been placed in a separate relation and information about offices has been added. The Courseinfo view relation can be redefined in terms of Faculty_public and Faculty_private, which together contain all the information in Faculty, so that a user who queries Courseinfo will get the same answers as before. Thus, users can be shielded from changes in the logical structure of the data, or changes in the choice of relations to be stored. This property is called logical data independence. In turn, the conceptual schema insulates users from changes in physical storage details. This property is referred to as physical data independence. The conceptual schema hides details such as how the data is actually laid out on disk, the file structure, and the choice of indexes. As long as the conceptual schema remains the same, we can change these storage details without altering applications. (Of course, performance might be affected by such changes.)

Queries in a DBMS

The ease with which information can be obtained from a database often determines its value to a user. In contrast to older database systems, relational database systems allow a rich class of questions to be posed easily; this feature has contributed greatly to their popularity. Consider the sample university database shown before. Here are some questions a user might ask:

  1. What is the name of the student with student ID 1234567
  2. What is the average salary of professors who teach course CS5647
  3. How many students are enrolled in CS5647
  4. What fraction of students in CS564 received a grade better than B7
  5. Is any student with a CPA less than 3.0 enrolled in CS5647

Such questions involving the data stored in a DBMS are called queries. A DBMS provides a specialized language, called the query language, in which queries can be posed. A very attractive feature of the relational model is that it supports powerful query languages. Relational calculus is a formal query language based on mathematical logic, and queries in this language have an intuitive, precise meaning. Relational algebra is another formal query language, based on a collection of operators for manipulating relations, which is equivalent in power to the calculus.

A DBMS takes great care to evaluate queries as efficiently as possible. Of course, the efficiency of query evaluation is determined to a large extent by how the data is stored physically. Indexes can be used to speed up many queries - in fact, a good choice of indexes for the underlying relations can speed up each query in the preceding list.

A DBMS enables users to create, modify, and query data through a data manipulation language (DML). Thus, the query language is only one part of the DML, which also provides constructs to insert, delete, and modify data. The DML and DDL are collectively referred to as the data sublanguage when embedded within a host language (e.g., C).

Transaction Management

Consider a database that holds information about airline reservations. At any given instant, it is possible (and likely) that several travel agents are looking up information about available seats On various flights and making new seat reservations. When several users access (and possibly modify) a database concurrently, the DBMS must order their requests carefully to avoid conflicts. For example, when one travel agent looks up Flight 100 on some given day and finds an empty seat, another travel agent may simultaneously be making a reservation for that seat, thereby making the information seen by the first agent obsolete.

Another example of concurrent use is a bank’s database. While one user’s application program is computing the total deposits, another application may transfer money from an account that the first application has just ‘seen’ to an account that has not yet been seen, thereby causing the total to appear larger than it should be. Clearly, such anomalies should not be allowed to occur. However, disallowing concurrent access can degrade performance.

Further, the DBMS must protect users from the effects of system failures by ensuring that all data (and the status of active applications) is restored to a consistent state when the system is restarted after a crash. For example, if a travel agent asks for a reservation to be made, and the DBMS responds saying that the reservation has been made, the reservation should not be lost if the system crashes. On the other hand, if the DBMS has not yet responded to the request, but is making the necessary changes to the data when the crash occurs, the partial changes should be undone when the system comes back up. A transaction is anyone execution of a user program in a DBMS. (Executing the same program several times will generate several transactions.) This is the basic unit of change as seen by the DBMS: Partial transactions are not allowed, and the effect of a group of transactions is equivalent to some serial execution of all transactions. We briefly outline how these properties are guaranteed as follow.

Concurrent Execution of Transactions

An important task of a DBMS is to schedule concurrent accesses to data so that each user can safely ignore the fact that others are accessing the data concurrently. The importance of this task cannot be underestimated because a database is typically shared by a large number of users, who submit their requests to the DBMS independently and simply cannot be expected to deal with arbitrary changes being made concurrently by other users. A DBMS allows users to think of their programs as if they were executing in isolation, one after the other in some order chosen by the DBMS. For example, if a program that deposits cash into an account is submitted to the DBMS at the same time as another program that debits money from the same account, either of these programs could be run first by the DBMS, but their steps will not be interleaved in such a way that they interfere with each other.

A locking protocol is a set of rules to be followed by each transaction (and enforced by the DBMS) to ensure that, even though actions of several transactions might be interleaved, the net effect is identical to executing all transactions in some serial order. A lock is a mechanism used to control access to database objects. Two kinds of locks are commonly supported by a DBMS: shared locks on an object can be held by two different transactions at the same time, but an exclusive lock on an object ensures that no other transactions hold any lock on this object.

Incomplete Transactions and System Crashes

Transactions can be interrupted before running to completion for a variety of reasons, e.g., a system crash. A DBMS must ensure that the changes made by such incomplete transactions are removed from the database. For example, if the DBMS is in the middle of transferring money from account A to account B and has debited the first account but not yet credited the second when the crash occurs, the money debited from account A must be restored when the system comes back up after the crash.

To do so, the DBMS maintains a log of all writes to the database. A crucial property of the log is that each write action must be recorded in the log (on disk) before the corresponding change is reflected in the database itself - otherwise, if the system crashes just after making the change in the database but before the change is recorded in the log, the DBMS would be unable to detect and undo this change. This property is called Write-Ahead Log, or WAL. The log is also used to ensure that the changes made by a successfully completed transaction are not lost due to a system crash.

Bringing the database to a consistent state after a system crash can be a slow process, since the DBMS must ensure that the effects of all transactions that completed prior to the crash are restored, and that the effects of incomplete transactions are undone. The time required to recover from a crash can be reduced by periodically forcing some information to disk; this periodic operation is called a checkpoint.

In summary, there are three points to remember with respect to DBMS support for concurrency control and recovery:

  1. Every object that is read or written by a transaction is first locked in shared or exclusive mode, respectively. Placing a lock on an object restricts its availability to other transactions and thereby affects performance.
  2. For efficient log maintenance, the DBMS must be able to selectively force a collection of pages in main memory to disk. Operating system support for this operation is not always satisfactory.
  3. Periodic checkpointing can reduce the time needed to recover from a crash. Of course, this must be balanced against the fact that checkpointing too often slows down normal execution.

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