#14 Crash Recovery

| 分类 SQL  | 标签 DBMS 

The recovery manager of DBMS is responsible for ensuring two important properties of transactions: Atomicity and durability. It ensures atomicity by undoing the actions of transactions that do not commit and durability by making sure that all actions of committed transactions survive system crashes (e.g., a core dump caused by a bus error) and media failures (e.g., a disk is corrupted). The recovery manager is one of the hardest components of a DBMS to design and implement. It must deal with a wide variety of database states because it is called on during system failures.

Introduction to ARIES

ARIES is a recovery algorithm designed to work with a steal, no-force approach. When the recovery manager is invoked after a crash: restart proceeds in three phases:

  1. Analysis: Identifies dirty pages in the buffer pool (i.e., changes that have not been written to disk) and active transactions at the time of the crash.
  2. Redo: Repeats all actions, starting from an appropriate point in the log, and restores the database state to what it was at the time of the crash.
  3. Undo: Undoes the actions of transactions that did not commit, so that the database reflects only the actions of committed transactions.

Consider the simple execution history illustrated in Figure 18.1. When the system is restarted, the Analysis phase identifies T1 and T3 as transactions active at the time of the crash and therefore to be undone; T2 as a committed transaction and all its actions therefore to be written to disk; and P1, P3 and P5 as potentially dirty pages. All the updates (including those of T1 and T3) are reapplied in the order shown during the Redo phase. Finally, the actions of TI and T3 are undone in reverse order during the Undo phase; that is, T3’s write of P3 is undone, T3’s write of P1 is undone, and then T1’s write of P5 is undone.

figure 18.1

Three main principles lie behind the ARIES recovery algorithm:

  • Write-Ahead Logging: Any change to a database object is first recorded in the log; the record in the log must be written to stable storage before the change to the database object is written to disk.
  • Repeating History During Redo: On restart following a crash, ARIES retraces all actions of the DBMS before the crash and brings the system back to the exact state that it was in at the time of the crash. Then, it undoes the actions of transactions still active at the time of the crash (effectively aborting them).
  • Logging Changes During Undo: Changes made to the database while undoing a transaction are logged to ensure such an action is not repeated in the event of repeated (failures causing) restarts.

The second point distinguishes ARIES from other recovery algorithms and is the basis for much of its simplicity and flexibility. In particular, ARIES can support concurrency control protocols that involve locks of finer granularity than a page (e.g., record-level locks). The second and third points are also important in dealing with operations where redoing and undoing the operation are not exact inverses of each other.

The Log

The log, sometimes called the trail or journal, is a history of actions executed by the DBMS. Physically, the log is a file of records stored in stable storage, which is assumed to survive crashes; this durability can be achieved by maintaining two or more copies of the log on different disks (perhaps in different locations), so that the chance of all copies of the log being simultaneously lost is negligibly small.

The most recent portion of the log, called the log tail, is kept in main memory and is periodically forced to stable storage. This way, log records and data records are written to disk at the same granularity (pages or sets of pages). Every log record is given a unique id called the log sequence number (LSN). As with any record id, we can fetch a log record with one disk access given the LSN. Further, LSNs should be assigned in monotonically increasing order; this property is required for the ARIES recovery algorithm. If the log is a sequential file, in principle growing indefinitely, the LSN can simply be the address of the first byte of the log record. For recovery purposes, every page in the database contains the LSN of the most recent log record that describes a change to this page. This LSN is called the pageLSN. A log record is written for each of the following actions:

  • Updating a Page: After modifying the page, an update type record is appended to the log tail. The pageLSN of the page is then set to the LSN of the update log record. (The page must be pinned in the buffer pool while these actions are carried out.)
  • Commit: When a transaction decides to commit, it force writes a commit type log record containing the transaction id. That is, the log record is appended to the log, and the log tail is written to stable storage, up to and including the commit record. The transaction is considered to have committed at the instant that its commit log record is written to stable storage. (some additional steps must be taken, e.g., removing the transaction’s entry in the transaction table; these follow the writing of the commit log record.)
  • Abort: When a transaction is aborted, an abort type log record containing the transaction id is appended to the log, and Undo is initiated for this transaction.
  • End: As noted above, when a transaction is aborted or committed, some additional actions must be taken beyond writing the abort or commit log record. After all these additional steps are completed, an end type log record containing the transaction id is appended to the log.
  • Undoing an update: When a transaction is rolled back (because the transaction is aborted, or during recovery from a crash), its updates are undone. When the action described by an update log record is undone, a compensation log record, or CLR, is written.

Every log record has certain fields: prevLSN, transID, and type. The set of all log records for a given transaction is maintained as a linked list going back in time, using the prevLSN field; this list must be updated whenever a log record is added. The transID field is the id of the transaction generating the log record, and the type field obviously indicates the type of the log record. Additional fields depend on the type of the log record. We already mentioned the additional contents of the various log record types, with the exception of the update and compensation log record types.

Update Log Records

The fields in an update log record are illustrated in Figure 18.2. The pageID field is the page id of the modified page; the length in bytes and the offset of the change are also included. The before-image is the value of the changed bytes before the change; the after-image is the value after the change. An update log record that contains both before- and after-images can be used to redo the change and undo it. In certain contexts, which we do not discuss further, we can recognize that the change will never be undone (or, perhaps, redone). A redo-only update log record contains just the after-image; similarly an undo-only update record contains just the before-image.

figure 18.2

Compensation Log Records

A compensation log record (CLR) is written just before the change recorded in an update log record U is undone. (Such an undo can happen during normal system execution when a transaction is aborted or during recovery from a crash.) A compensation log record C describes the action taken to undo the actions recorded in the corresponding update log record and is appended to the log tail just like any other log record. The compensation log record C also contains a field called undoNextLSN, which is the LSN of the next log record that is to be undone for the transaction that wrote update record U; this field in C is set to the value of prevLSN in U.

figure 18.3

As an example, consider the fourth update log record shown in Figure 18.3. If this update is undone, a CLR would be written, and the information in it would include the transID, pageID, length, offset, and before-image fields from the update record. Notice that the CLR records the (undo) action of changing the affected bytes back to the before-image value; thus, this value and the location of the affected bytes constitute the redo information for the action described by the CLR. The undoNextLSN field is set to the LSN of the first log record in Figure 18.3. Unlike an update log record, a CLR describes an action that will never be undone, that is, we never undo an undo action. The reason is simple: An update log record describes a change made by a transaction during normal execution and the transaction may subsequently be aborted, whereas a CLR describes an action taken to rollback a transaction for which the decision to abort has already been made. Therefore, the transaction must be rolled back, and the undo action described by the CLR is definitely required. This observation is very useful because it bounds the amount of space needed for the log during restart from a crash: The number of CLRs that can be written during undo is no more than the number of update log records for active transactions at the time of the crash. A CLR may be written to stable storage (following WAL, of course) but the undo action it describes may not yet been writtcn to disk when the system crashes again. In this case, the undo action described in the CLR is reapplied during the Redo phase, just like the action described in update log records. For these reasons, a CLR contains the information needed to reapply, the change described but not to reverse it.

In addition to the log, the following two tables contain important recovery-related information:

  • Transaction Table: This table contains one entry for each active transaction. The entry contains (among other things) the transaction id, the status, and a field called lastLSN, which is the LSN of the most recent log record for this transaction. The status of a transaction can be that it is in progress, committed, or aborted. (In the latter two cases, the transaction will be removed from the table once certain ‘clean up’ steps are completed.)
  • Dirty page table: This table contains one entry for each dirty page in the buffer pool, that is, each page with changes not yet reflected on disk. The entry contains a field recLSN, which is the LSN of the first log record that caused the page to become dirty. Note that this LSN identifies the earliest log record that might have to be redone for this page during restart from a crash.

During normal operation, these are maintained by the transaction manager and the buffer manager, respectively, and during restart after a crash, these tables are reconstructed in the Analysis phase of restart. Consider the following simple example. Transaction T1000 changes the value of bytes 21 to 23 on page P500 from ‘ABC’ to ‘DEF’, transaction T2000 changes ‘HIJ’ to ‘KLM’ on page P600, transaction T2000 changes bytes 20 through 22 from ‘GDE’ to ‘QRS’ on page P500, then transaction T1000 changes ‘TUV’ to ‘WXY’ on pageP505. The dirty page table, the transaction table and the log at this instant are shown in Figure 18.3. Observe that the log is shown growing from top to bottom; older records are at the top. Although the records for each transaction are linked using the prevLSN field, the log as a whole also has a sequential order that is important – for example, T2000’s change to page P500 follows T1000’s change to page P500, and in the event of a crash, these changes must be redone in the same order.

figure 18.3

The Write-Ahead Log Protocol

Before writing a page to disk, every update log record that describes a change to this page must be forced to stable storage. This is accomplished by forcing all log records up to and including the one with LSN equal to the pageLSN to stable storage before writing the page to disk. The importance of the “WAL” protocol can’t be over emphasized – WAL is the fundamental rule that ensures that a record of every change to the database is available while attempting to recover from a crash. If a transaction made change and committed, the no-force approach means that some of these changes may not have been writtcn to disk at the time of a subsequent crash. Without a record of these changes, there would be no way to ensure that the changes of a committed transaction survive crashes. Note that the definition of a committed transaction is effectively a transaction all of whose log records, including a commit record have been written to stable storage.

When a transaction is committed, the log tail is forced to stable storage, even if a no-force approach is being used. It is worth contrasting this operation with the actions taken under a force approach: If a force approach is used, all the pages modified by the transaction, rather than a portion of the log that includes all its records, be forced to disk when the transaction commits. The set of all changed pages is typically much larger than the log tail because the size of an update log record is close to (twice) the size of the changed bytes, which is likely to be much sma11er than the page size. Further, the log is maintained as a sequential file, and all writes to the log are sequential writes. Consequently, the cost of forcing the log tail is much smaller than the cost of writing all changed pages to disk.


A checkpoint is like a snapshot of the DBMS state, and by taking checkpoints periodically, as we will see, the DBMS can reduce the amount of work to be done during restart in the event of a subsequent crash.

Checkpointing in ARIES has three steps. First, a begin_checkpoint record is written to indicate when the checkpoint starts. Second, an end_checkpoint record is constructed, including in it the current contents of the transaction table and the dirty page table, and appended to the log. The third step is carried out after the end_checkpoint record is written to stable storage: A special master record containing the LSN of the begin_checkpoint log record is written to a known place on stable storage. While the end__checkpoint record is being constructed, the DBMS continues executing transactions and writing other log records; the only guarantee we have is that the transaction table and dirty page table are accurate as of the time of the begin_checkpoint record.

This kind of checkpoint, called a fuzzy checkpoint, is inexpensive because it does not require quiescing the System or writing out pages in the buffer pool (unlike some other forms of checkpointing). On the other hand, the effectiveness of this checkpointing technique is limited by the earliest recLSN of pages in the dirty pages table, because during restart we must redo changes starting from the log record whose LSN is equal to this recLSN. Having a background process that periodically writes dirty pages to disk helps to limit this problem. When the System comes back up after a crash, the restart process begins by locating the most recent checkpoint record. For uniformity, the system always begins normal execution by taking a checkpoint, in which the transaction table and dirty page table are both empty.

Recovering From a System Crash

When the system is restarted after a crash, the recovery manager proceeds in three phases, as shown in Figure 18.4.

figure 18.4

The Analysis phase begins by examining the most recent begin_checkpoint record, whose LSN is denoted C in Figure 18.4, and proceeds forward in the log until the last log record. The Redo phase follows Analysis and redoes all changes to any page that might have been dirty at the time of the crash; this set of pages and the starting point for Redo (the smallest recLSN of any dirty page) are determined during Analysis. The Undo phase follows Redo and undoes the changes of all transactions active at the time of the crash; again, this set of transactions is identified during the Analysis phase. Note that Redo reapplies changes in the order in which they were originally carried out; Undo reverses changes in the opposite order, reversing the most recent change first.

Analysis Phase

The Analysis phase performs three tasks:

  1. It determines the point in the log at which to start the Redo pass.
  2. It determines (a conservative superset of the) pages in the buffer pool that were dirty at the time of the crash.
  3. It identifies transactions that were active at the time of the crash and must be undone.

Analysis begins by examining the most recent begin_checkpoint log record and initializing the dirty page table and transaction table to the copies of those structures in the next end_checkpoint record. Thus, these tables are initialized to the set of dirty pages and active transactions at the time of the checkpoint. (If additional log records are between the begin_checkpoint and end_checkpoint records, the tables must be adjusted to reflect the information in these records. Analysis then scans the log in the forward direction until it reaches the end of the log:

  • If an end log record for a transaction T is encountered, T is removed from the transaction table because it is no longer active.
  • If a log record other than an end record for a transaction T is encountered, an entry for T is added to the transaction table if it is not already there. Further, the entry for T is modified:
    1. The lastLSN field is set to the LSN of this log record.
    2. If the log record is a commit record, the status is set to C, otherwise it is set to U (indicating that it is to be undone).
  • If a redoable log record affecting page P is encountered, and P is not in the dirty page table, an entry is inserted into this table with page id P and recLSN equal to the LSN of this redoable log record. This LSN identifies the oldest change affecting page P that may not have been written to disk.

At the end of the Analysis phase, the transaction table contains an accurate list of all transactions that were active at the time of the crash – this is the set of transactions with status U. The dirty page table includes all pages that were dirty at the time of the crash but may also contain some pages that were written to disk. If an end_write log record were written at the completion of each write operation, the dirty page table constructed during Analysis could be made more accurate, but in ARIES, the additional cost of writing end_write log records is not considered to be worth the gain.

figure 18.3

As an example, consider the execution illustrated in Figure 18.3. Let us extend this execution by assuming that T2000 commits, then T1000 modifies another page, say, P700, and appends an update record to the log tail, and then the system crashes (before this update log record is written to stable storage). The dirty page table and the transaction table, held in memory, are lost in the crash. The most recent checkpoint was taken at the beginning of the execution, with an empty transaction table and dirty page table; it is not shown in Figure 18.3. After examining this log record, which we assume is just before the first log record shown in the figure. Analysis initializes the two tables to be empty. Scanning forward in the log, T1000 is added to the transaction table; in addition, P500 is added to the dirty page table with recLSN equal to the LSN of the first shown log record. Similarly, T2000 is added to the transaction table and P600 is added to the dirty page table. There is no change based on the third log record, and the fourth record results in the addition of P505 to the dirty page table. The commit record for T2000 (not in the figure) is now encountered, and T2000 is removed from the transaction table.

The Analysis phase is now complete, and it is recognized that the only active transaction at the time of the crash is T1000, with lastLSN equal to the LSN of the fourth record in Figure 18.3. The dirty page table reconstructed in the Analysis phase is identical to that shown in the figure. The update log record for the change to P700 is lost in the crash and not seen during the Analysis phase. Thanks to the WAL protocol, however, all is well – the corresponding change to page P700 cannot have been written to disk either! Some of the updates may have been written to disk; for concreteness, let us assume that the change to P600 (and only this update) was written to disk before the crash. Therefore P600 is not dirty, yet it is included in the dirty page table. The pageLSN on page P600, however, reflects the write because it is now equal to the LSN of the second update log record shown in Figure 18.3.

figure 18.3

Redo Phase

During the Redo phase, ARIES reapplies the updates of all transactions, committed or otherwise. Further, if a transaction was aborted before the crash and its updates were undone, as indicated by CLRs, the actions described in the CLRs are also reapplied. This repeating history paradigm distinguishes ARIES from other proposed WAL-based recovery algorithms and causes the database to be brought to the same state it was in at the time of the crash. The Redo phase begins with the log record that has the smallest recLSN of all pages in the dirty page table constructed by the Analysis pass because this log record identifies the oldest update that may not have been written to disk prior to the crash. Starting from this log record, Redo scans forward until the end of the log. For each redoable log record (update or CLR) encountered, Redo checks whether the logged action must be redone. The action must be redone unless one of the following conditions holds:

  • The affected page is not in the dirty page table.
  • The affected page is in the dirty page table, but the recLSN for the entry is greater than the LSN of the log record being checked.
  • The pageLSN (stored on the page, which must be retrieved to check this condition) is greater than or equal to the LSN of the log record being checked.

The first condition obviously means that all changes to this page have been written to disk. Because the recLSN is the first update to this page that may not have been written to disk, the second condition means that the update being checked was indeed propagated to disk. The third condition, which is checked last because it requires us to retrieve the page, also ensures that the update being checked was written to disk, because either this update or a later update to the page was written. (Recall our assumption that a write to a page is atomic; this assumption is important here!) If the logged action must be redone:

  1. The logged action is reapplied.
  2. The pageLSN on the page is set to the LSN of the redone log record. No additional log record is written at this time.

figure 18.3

Let us continue with the example discussed before. Frorm the dirty page table, the smallest recLSN is seen to be the LSN of the first log record shown in Figure 18.3. Clearly, the changes recorded by earlier log records (there happen to be none in this example) have been written to disk. Now, Redo fetches the affected page, P500, and compares the LSN of this log record with the pageLSN on the page and, because we assumed that this page was not written to disk before the crash, finds that the pageLSN is less. The update is therefore reapplied; bytes 21 through 23 are changed to ‘DEF’, and the pageLSN is set to the LSN of this update log record. Redo then examines the second log record. Again, the affected page, P600, is fetched and the pageLSN is compared to the LSN of the update log record. In this case, because we assumed that P600 was written to disk before the crash, they are equal, and the update does not have to be redone. The remaining log records are processed similarly, bringing the system back to the exact state it was in at the time of the crash. Note that the first two condition indicating that a redo is unnecessary never hold in this example. Intuitively, they come into play when the dirty page table contains a very old recLSN, going back to before the most recent checkpoint. In this case, as Redo scans forward from the log record with this LSN, it encounters log records for pages that were written to disk prior to the checkpoint and therefore not in the dirty page table in the checkpoint. Some of these pages may be dirtied again after the checkpoint; nonetheless, the updates to these pages prior to the checkpoint need not be redone. Although the third condition alone is sufficient to recognize that these updates need not be redone, it requires us to fetch the affected page. The first two conditions allow us to recognize this situation without fetching the page. At the end of the Redo phase, end type records are written for all transactions with status C, which are removed from the transaction table.

Undo Phase

Undo begins with the transaction table constructed by the Analysis phase, which identifies all transactions active at the time of the crash, and includes the LSN of the most recent log record (the lastLSN field) for each such transaction. Such transactions are called loser transactions. All actions of losers must be undone, and further, these actions must be undone in the reverse of the order in which they appear in the log. Consider the set of lastLSN values for all loser transactions. Let us call this set ToUndo. Undo repeatedly chooses the largest (i.e., most recent) LSN value in this set and processes it, until ToUndo is empty. To process a log record:

  1. If it is a CLR and the undoNextLSN value is not null, the undoNextLSN value is added to the set ToUndo; if the undoNextLSN is null, an end record is written for the transaction because it is completely undone, and the CLR, is discarded.
  2. If it is an update record, a CLR is written and the corresponding action is undone and the prevLSN value in the update log record is added to the set ToUndo.

When the set ToUndo is empty, the Undo phase is complete. Restart is now complete, and the system can proceed with normal operations.

figure 18.3

Let us continue with the scenario before. The only active transaction at the time of the crash was determined to be T1000. From the transaction table, we get the LSN of its most recent log record, which is the fourth update log record in Figure 18.3. The update is undone, and a CLR is written with undoNextLSN equal to the LSN of the first log record in the figure. The next record to be undone for transaction T1000 is the first log record in the figure. After this is undone, a CLR and an end log record for T1000 are written, and the Undo phase is complete. In this example, undoing the action recorded in the first log record causes the action of the third log record, which is due to a committed transaction, to be overwritten and thereby lost! This situation arises because T2000 overwrote a data item written by T1000 while T1000 was still active; if Strict 2PL were followed, T2000 would not have been allowed to overwrite this data item.

Aborting a transaction is just a special case of the Undo phase of Restart in which a single transaction, rather than a set of transactions is undone. The example in Figure 18.5, illustrates this point.

figure 18.5

It is important to understand how the Undo algorithm presented handles repeated system crashes. Because the details of precisely how the action described in an update log record is undone are straightforward, we discuss Undo in the presence of system crashes using an execution history shown in Figure 18.5, that abstracts away unnecessary detail. This example illustrates how aborting a transaction is a special case of Undo and how the use of CLRs ensures that the Undo action for an update log record is not applied twice.

The log shows the order in which the DBMS executed various actions; note that the LSNs are in ascending order and that each log record for a transaction has a prevLSN field that points to the previous log record for that transaction. We have not shown null prevLSNs, that is, somne special value used in the prevLSN field of the first log record for a transaction to indicate that there is no previous log record.

We also compacted the figure by occasionally displaying two log records (separated by a comma) on a single line. Log record (with LSN) 30 indicates that T1 aborts. All actions of this transaction should be undone in reverse order, and the only action of T1, described by the update log record 10, is indeed undone as indicated by CLR, 40.

figure 18.5

After the first crash, Analysis identifies P1 (with recLSN 50), P3 (with recLSN 20), and P5 (with recLSN 10) as dirty pages. Log record 45 shows that T1 is a completed transaction; hence, the transaction table identifies T2 (with lastLSN 60) and T3 (with lastLSN 50) as active at the time of the crash. The Redo phase begins with log record 10, which is the minimurn recLSN in the dirty page table, and reapplies all actions (for the update and CLR, records), as per the Redo algorithm presented. The ToUndo set consists of LSNs 60, for T2, and 50, for T3. The Undo phase now begins by processing the log record with LSN 60 because 60 is the largest LSN in the ToUndo set. The update is undone, and a CLR, (with LSN 70) is written to the log. This CLR has UndoNextLSN equal to 20, which is the prevLSN value in log record 60; 20 is the next action to be undone for T2. Now the largest remaining LSN in the ToUndo set is 50. The write corresponding to log record 50 is now undone, and a CLR, describing the change is written. This CLR, has LSN 80, and its undoNextLSN field is null because 50 is the only log record for transaction T3. Therefore T3 is completely undone, and an end record is written. Log records 70, 80, and 85 are written to stable storage before the system crashes a second time; however, the changes described by these records may not have been written to disk. When the system is restarted after the second crash, Analysis determines that the only active transaction at the time of the crash was T2; in addition, the dirty page table is identical to what it was during the previous restart. Log records 10 through 85 are processed again during Redo. (If some of the changes made during the previous Redo were written to disk, the pageLSN’s on the affected pages are used to detect this situation and avoid writing these pages again. The Undo phase considers the only LSN in the ToUndo set, 70, and processes it by adding the UndoNextLSN value (20) to the ToUndo set. Next, log record 20 is processed by undoing T2’s write of page P3, and a CLR is written (LSN 90). Because 20 is the first of T2’s log records and therefore, the last of its records to be undone – the undoNextLSN field in this CLR is null, an end record is written for T2, and the ToUndo set is now Empty. Recovery is now complete, and normal execution can resume with the writing of a checkpoint record.

This example illustrated repeated crashes during the Undo phase. For completeness, let us consider what happens if the system crashes while Restart is in the Analysis or Redo phase. If a crash occurs during the Analysis phase, all the work done in this phase is lost, and on restart the Analysis phase starts afresh with the same information as before. If a crash occurs during the Redo phase, the only effect that survives the crash is that some of the changes made during Redo may have been written to disk prior to the crash. Restart starts again with the Analysis phase and then the Redo phase, and some update log records that were redone the first time around will not be redone a second time because the pageLSN is now equal to the update record’s LSN (although the pages have to be fetched again to detect this). We can take checkpoints during Restart to minimize repeated work in the event of a crash, but we do not discuss this point.

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